At first, the active window will come to the front. After using the shortcut, the right window stays pinned on Top.

At first, the active window will come to the front. After using the shortcut, the right window stays pinned on Top.

1. Intro

This is a short one. I found this neat trick the other day while browsing the internet, and decided to implement it. I then started using it a lot more than I thought I would! “Always On Top” is a very small utility based on the AutoHotkey script (huge article on that coming someday) which basically enables you to pin any window to the “top” of your screen. Meaning any other windows will always move and be behind it. If you’re familiar with Pureref, you’ve probably used this setting before. The thing is, only some apps come with this setting. For the rest of your windows, here’s this tool!

a. How I made this tool

As I said before, this tool is based on an AutoHotkey script. It’s barely one line of code:

^SPACE::  Winset, Alwaysontop, , A

Without going into too much detail, AutoHotKey is a scripting language that lets you create lots of useful shortcuts, actions and macros to do things fast with your computer. I will get a lot more into detail in the future, and I think everyone is going to love it as much as I do.

After writing the code, I just compiled the above line of code into a .exe file so that you can easily run it and then added a cute pin icon to it. That’s literally it.

<aside> ⚠️ As with anything else you download from the internet, make sure you’re carrying out your due diligence. I made this particular app so I fully trust it, but as a general rule always be wary of downloading .exe files from the internet. I feel like I have to say that. However, if you’re still kind of iffy about it, go to Part 3 where I will very quickly teach you how to make this app from scratch yourself in 2 minutes. As a bonus, you can also choose your own keyboard shortcut for it!


2. Downloading and “installing” AOT

a. Download and install

If you don’t want to create this tool yourself, you can simply download it from here. Just unzip the downloaded file and save the tool wherever you want.